CI Translate

Mass translate documents on the fly with speed and ease.

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From installation to translation in just minutes.

CI Translate translates your documents on the fly, available in approximately 50 languages. This Cimplifi tool, now available in Relativity, uses Azure Cognitive Services Translator, a Microsoft cloud-based machine translation service, to translate your documents. It’s easy-to-use and intuitive, making it simple to translate documents with just a few clicks.

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Click and Go

Mass tag the documents you want to translate, select the source language, the target language, and within minutes, the translated text is in your workspace.

Translate with confidence and certainty.

Translator, Microsoft’s cloud-based machine translation service, has obtained 5 ISO certifications, a demonstration of its commitment to providing a consistent and secure service. Translator’s ISO certifications are:

  • ISO 27001 Information Security Management Standards
  • ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Standards
  • 27018:2014 Code of Practice for Protecting Personal Data in the Cloud
  • 20000-1:2011: Information Technology Service Management
  • ISO 27017:2015: Code of Practice for Information Security Control