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It’s Not Too Late to Accelerate Your LIBOR Transition

The end of USD LIBOR is looming…but it ain’t over ‘til it’s over.    2023 will see the final steps…

Why Use a Hammer When You Can Use a Swiss Army Knife?: Considerations for Investigations

In our first post in this series, we discussed how eDiscovery technology and workflows are being applied to several different…

Why Use a Hammer When You Can Use a Swiss Army Knife?: Considerations for Arbitration

In our first post in this series, we discussed how eDiscovery technology and workflows are being applied to several different…

Why Use a Hammer When You Can Use a Swiss Army Knife?: Today’s Use Cases for eDiscovery

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) were established in 1938. Those rules established the procedures for pre-trial discovery and…

Getting the Message: Modern and Multi-Channel Conversations

As we said back in the very first post in this series, the way we communicate as a society continues…

Getting the Message: Ten Recent Case Law Rulings Involving Chat/Collaboration Apps

In our last post, we discussed five considerations and four best practices for discovery of data from chat/collaboration apps. Case…
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